The US Deprescribing Research Network, co-led by our UCSF Pepper Co-Director Mike Steinman, MD, welcomes you to attend its 2024 Annual Meeting, which will be held in-person on May 15th in Boston during the preconference day of the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. This meeting, organized in coordination with SGIM, is open to both faculty and trainees interested in research on deprescribing and other ways of improving medication use among older adults. Past meetings have been very highly rated and this event provides a terrific opportunity to learn about ongoing research and opportunities in this area and to meet and network with colleagues across the US and the world who share these interests.
For more information and to register, please visit here. There is a nominal registration fee which is waived for trainees (see drop-down button at top of the page).
The US Deprescribing Research Network also welcome and encourage people to submit abstracts for our poster session. This can include encore presentations of abstracts that were submitted to SGIM or other meetings. For any questions, please reach out to [email protected].