Dr. Krista Harrison, UCSF Pepper Center PESC Co-Director, received her first R01 from the NIA for a project titled, "Improving hospice care for racial and ethnic minoritized older adults with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)." This 5-year study aims to improve hospice and end-of-life care for persons with dementia and care partners. We will (1) identify Black, Latinx, and AAPI care partner definitions of high-quality ADRD end-of-life care through semi-structured interviews and validated survey measures; (2) Document hospice practices and policies that influence care for racial and ethnic minoritized persons with dementia using organizational case studies consisting of surveys, meeting observations, staff interviews, and document review; and (3) Develop a prioritized set of recommended services, practices, and policies for improving equity in hospice care for ADRD using a 3-stage modified Delphi process with care partners, policy makers, and hospice and ADRD experts. UCSF co-investigators include Drs. Alexander K. Smith (UCSF Pepper Center PESC Co-Director), MD; Jennifer James, PhD, MSW (UCSF Pepper Center Scholar); Daniel Dohan, PhD; Lauren Hunt, PhD, RN, FNP (UCSF Pepper Center Scholar Alumna); and Rebecca Sudore, MD (UCSF Pepper Center Co-Director).